
Novastar DH7508-S Receiver Card


Maximum load of single card is 256*256 pixels;16 sets data; 8 standard hub75E interfaces

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DH7508-s is a universal receiving card launched by Novarstar. The maximum load of single card is 256*256 pixels . supports brightness correction, fast line adjustment, 3D and RGB independent gamma adjustment, so as to improve the display effect of the screen, and improve the user experience of DH7508 to communicate with 8 standard hub75E interfaces, which has high stability and supports up to 16 sets of RGB well data, Use of words in a variety of field environments, and with Brightness adjust.

Input voltage: DC 3.3v-5.5v,
Constant current: 0.5A
Rated power: 2.5W
Consumption temperature: – 20℃- + 70℃
Humidity: 10%RH-90%RH, non condensing
Temperature: – 25 ℃ – + 125 ℃
Size: 18.4mm x 145.7mm x 91.5mm
Weight: 102g


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